May we introduce ourselves. We are two students attending a class called
'The Presidential Election 2008'. This class deals with New Media and especially the blogosphere. We have to admit that before starting this class we had no idea what blogosphere is and how it influences daily business. We were really surprised how politicians use this kind of New Media in order to influence the voters.The best thing is:
Now we have to face the challenge to create our own blog. Well, have a look - this is the result:
Today's news dealt with Barack Obamas´new challenge the change in U.S. Banksystem. I think he is working on too many different construction sites. First of all he should find a solution for one before started a new...
As you know it is always a big challenge to take over such a job. In my opinion America needed a change and Barack Obama stands for the new generation. He has to face lots different problems at once - inside the U.S. ( e.g. Healthcare,bank crisis) as well as outside the U.S. (terror, Iraque war..). You can not change the whole system in one year. On the other hand you are right, you have to go step by step without getting lost in all your aims. We will see. I think he can do it but he needs the support of all the others and this will be the problem.